Robert Wright

Associate Graduate Faculty (AGF)
PhD Program Mentor
UNT Eagle


Dr. Wright is a retired Lecturer in the Learning Technologies Department and currently serves as an Associate Graduate Faculty (AGF) member to aid PhD students through advising and mentorship. He has worked as an educational TV Producer/Director, College Instructor, Media Coordinator, Multimedia Specialist, Scriptwriter, Video Editor, Photographer, and Director of Biomedical Communications. Dr. Wright holds a Ph.D. in Educational Computing and an MA in Instructional Technology. His professional and research interests include rapport-building practices of online instructors, mixed-methods research, instructional multi-media production, and technology-based learning environments. 

Dr. Wright has made numerous presentations at such venues at SITE, iConference eLearn, MERLOT, TXDLA, and EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (EDL). He has been published in the Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia and the International Journal of Innovation and Learning. He has served as a chapter author, book editor, and editorial advisory board member for IGI Global, and as a manuscript referee for the International Journal of Business Excellence and Computers and Education. He is twice past-president of the Association of Biomedical Communications Directors (ABCD).


Curriculum Vitae

Scheduled Courses