Timothy (Fred) McMahan

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

UNT Eagle


2016—2017 Computational Neuropsychology Post doctorate University of North Texas

2014—2016 Computer Science Ph.D. University of North Texas

2007—2013 Computer Science M.S. University of North Texas

2003—2007 Computer Science B.S. University of North Texas

Research Interests 

Dr. McMahan’s research primary focuses on Adaptive Virtual Environments. Specifically using neurogaming techniques to build XR environments that adapt to the user to provide an ever-changing experience. His research also includes the use video games and simulations for practical applications such as diagnosing and treatment of neuropsychological disorders, learning applications, and training applications. His interest in research covers a variety of topic including: Computer Programming; Virtual Reality; Augmented Reality; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Computer Networking; Computational Neuropsychology; Neurogaming; Human Computer Interface, Brain Computer Interfaces for neurogaming; Neurocognitive mechanisms involved in neurogaming.


Scheduled Courses